Most Popular Characters in Genshin Impact Ranked

Genshin Impact has over 70 playable characters, each with a unique design, personality, and kit. There’s nothing like a little competition when it comes to which character appeals to the community the most. Here are all of the most popular Genshin Impact characters ranked.

It’s hard to quantify the popularity of an individual character. With so many different metrics, such as social media engagements, banner sales, and popularity polls, there are arguments you can make for any of these characters to top the list. However, these characters are consistently the most popular in the game, and we’ve ranked them here for you.

#10: Diluc

Despite Diluc’s weak position in the meta for a 5-star character, it’s no surprise that Diluc is one of the most popular characters in the game. The original hypercarry and one of the most stylish characters in the game, he is an astonishingly popular unit. We love Diluc for his noble personality, his vigilante lifestyle, and his sick gameplay. We can only guess why Diluc was the first character to receive a 5-star rarity skin, fit with new animations.

#9: Eula

Genshin Impact Eula Guide Weapons Artifacts Talents
Image: HoYoverse

Eula’s iconic dance still stirs my heart. A shockingly popular YouTube trailer is only a slight indication of the fanbase’s love for this iconic Mondstadt character. Eula may no longer be the strongest 5-star DPS unit around, but her graceful attacks can still wreak havoc on any enemy that crosses her way. Her love for dance translates nicely into her kit, where each move seamlessly transitions to the next. Eula is one of the most popular characters in the game, and for good reason.

#8: Venti

Barbatos Venti Anemo Archon Mondstadt Genshin Impact
Image via miHoYo

Venti will always be the most iconic archon in the game, reigning in an era of overpowered godly units that have people and their wallets agape. Venti isn’t popular just cause of how notorious his gameplay is. Everyone loves his silly, almost trollish personality. His quips are some of the most recognizable in the game, and he’s consistently included in events even as time passes and leaves Mondstadt behind.

#7: Hu Tao

Hu Tao Genshin Impact Team Comps
Screenshot: HoYoverse

This girl represents everything about Halloween. Her spooky nature gives her one of the most fun personalities in the game, someone who loves to prank and boss others around. Constantly surrounded by ghouls, Hu Tao has one of the most satisfying and fleshed-out personalities in the game. While her rap is admittedly not for me, I’m sure it has stirred the hearts of Hu Tao fans everywhere.

#6: Wanderer

Genshin Impact Are The Wanderer Constellations Worth Getting 1
Image: HoYoverse

I was very tempted to place Wanderer (or Scaramouche, as you might know him) higher on this list. We all love how Wanderer is one of the more outright villainous characters in the game (in spite of a pretty decent redemption arc he receives later in the game.) His devilish personality translates nicely in his kit, where Scaramouche quite literally steps on enemies in his path.

#5: Klee

Genshin Impact Dodoco Tales Guide Klee Weapon Is Dodoco Tales Good Worth It
Image: HoYoverse

It’s really no surprise why Klee remains one of the most popular and memorable characters in the Genshin Impact roster. There isn’t any character as expressively adorable as Klee, even as she skips around tossing dangerous bombs to her side. While Klee certainly isn’t the strongest character around, she’s arguably the most lovable.

#4: Nahida

How To Unlock Nahidas Story Quest In Genshin Impact Swing
Screenshot via HoyoVerse

If Klee is the most adorable character in the game, Nahida is a close runner-up. But what gives Nahida an edge over Klee? For starters, Nahida is the Dendro archon. Her power and status obviously give her a natural boost. But her compelling story is what truly propelled Nahida to the top of the charts with the community. One of the best archons in the game, Nahida represents the best of what a character can aspire to in Genshin Impact.

#3: Kazuha

Genshin Impact Kazuha Guide Weapons Artifacts Talents 1a
Image: HoYoverse

Who doesn’t love Kazuha? He’s extremely broken, for starters. Always considered one of the strongest units in the game, Kazuha consistently makes appearances in Genshin Impact teams everywhere. But who doesn’t love his calm, collected, and regal personality? Kazuha’s poetic nature appeals to fans everywhere, allowing him to take such a high spot in our popularity ranking.

#2: Zhongli

Morax Zhongli Geo Archon Liyue Genshin Impact
Image via miHoYo

The Geo archon, and one of the most notorious characters in the game. There isn’t a single character in the game as slick and cool as Zhongli, who bends rocks and creates meteors to rain down on enemies. He’s the only character to rally his fanbase and stir HoYoverse to actually make changes to his kit on release, an unprecedented move as HoYoverse doesn’t typically buff or nerf characters directly. Zhongli would likely be the most popular character in the game if it wasn’t for one other character in front of him.

#1: Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun Electro Archon Inazuma Genshin Impact
Image via miHoYo

Raiden Shogun is the real chart-topper here. She has everything: a compelling story, cool animations, is extremely strong, and has one of the best designs in the game. While these characters on our list come close, Raiden Shogun is one of the most popular characters in the game, and she’ll likely remain on the top for a long time.

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