Today we’re continuing our Legendary Pokemon guide series for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet with a Kyogre location guide for The Indigo Disk, including its exact location on the Paldea map.
Kyogre is a member of the weather trio, which also includes Groudon and Rayquaza. Just like all the other Legendary Pokemon available in The Indigo Disk, the creature is available from an NPC named Snacksworth who stands outside the Blueberry Academy after you clear the main story. Unfortunately, getting the Legendary Pokemon snacks you need to spawn them is a little bit repetitive.
Kyogre location guide
Here’s how Snacksworth works, then: every time you clear ten solo quests or group quests (which only appear in the Terarium), you qualify for a new Legendary snack from Snacksworth. This snack spawns its corresponding Legendary Pokemon somewhere on Paldea’s map. Your Kyogre location in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC is shown above: the very top-left of the map in the North Paldean Sea. It’s swimming in the water.
Kyogre appears at Level 70, and it knows two problematic moves: Sheer Cold and Aqua Ring. If the Pokemon you bring are at a higher level than Kyogre, it can’t hit you with Sheer Cold at all. Still, it can slowly restore its HP with Aqua Ring, which can be kind of annoying if you’re trying to whittle it down with False Swipe. Though Kyogre does set rain to boost its Water-type moves, the only Water-type move it knows is Muddy Water. This move isn’t as strong as Surf or Hydro Pump, but it does have a chance of lowering its victim’s accuracy. Keep that in mind while you try to catch it! If you’re looking to catch Kyogre in a matching ball, a Great Ball or Dive Ball matches perfectly. Do note that Kyogre is Shiny locked, so it can never appear Shiny no matter how many times you soft reset.
We have guides available for more Legendary Pokemon locations, and you can find our master list of them through this link. Feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for future guides, too.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Switch, and you can check the official website here.