This is a PSA for all Content Warning players to remember to recharge their low-battery items before diving into the Old World. While you may not have thought this game has a recharge station, you’re wrong.
Recharge your items before diving in Content Warning
For the first few rounds of playing Content Warning, I had no idea where I should go to recharge my empty flashlights or the weapons like my Shock Stick. As a PSA, you should remember to recharge any items at the recharge station before diving in Content Warning.
While you have an obvious battery recharge area in your ship in a game like Lethal Company, it’s not as obvious in this co-op horror game. Head over to the area where you extract your video footage and look at the large white and blue machine. This is the recharge station, and it doesn’t require you to manually recharge your items.
All you have to do to recharge your low-battery items in Content Warning is hold the item while standing near it. You’ll then see blue sparks of energy being transferred into your item, and the battery life will slowly increase. Do this with all your items before any trip to the Old World or else they’ll be worthless.
I’ve made this mistake before and forgot to recharge my Shock Stick before heading down to the Old World. Although you may already know about the recharge station you can easily forget to recharge your items before every trip.
That’s all you have to do, the only hard part is remembering to do this every day. Your items won’t automatically recharge (besides your film footage), so you’ll have to remember to do it yourself.
Try doing this while waiting for your videos to extract since those machines are right beside each other. Speaking of film footage, even if you’ve lost your footage in the Old World there’s still a way to get it back.
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