Fastest ways to level to 50 in Diablo 4

Things are changing again in Sanctuary and for Season 4 of Diablo 4, everything may get better. One of those things is leveling up. A lot about leveling and gaining XP has been drastically altered to make it easier to speed up. However, even with those changes, it’s worth knowing the fastest ways to level to level 50 in Diablo 4. 

Diablo 4: Fastest ways to level to 50

The cool thing about reading this guide is that it’s also a quick way to get to 100. In turn, earning the Helltide Threat levels might become easier. Below, I’ll go over the best ways to advance in leveling up for Season 4. 

  • Consider playing on higher World Tiers
  • Complete the Helltide Events
  • Start and do the Call of the Wolves quest
  • Do The Pit runs
  • Get a good leveling build

Note, that these suggestions are good at any point in Diablo 4. However, if you’re near the end game, I’d recommend using them. 

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How to get to level 50, fast

Play on higher World Tiers: This is a no-brainer, at the base level of World Tier 1, you don’t get any XP. Play Diablo 4 at least on World Tier 2, that way you get a 50 percent bonus. It may be beneficial to play on the second tier because the XP bonus has gone up by 20 percent for Season 4. Leveling up to at least 50 might be done quickly if you play consistently enough. 

Go through the Helltide Events: If you opt to play on a lower World Tier, you’re still going the get what the game offers. Things like Helltide Events are available now in the first World Tier. This is probably the fastest way to level up. Simply look for the red-painted areas on the map and head to them. Helltide Events won’t start immediately, so you’ll need to wait till they start. If you aren’t familiar with Helltide Events, they are events that require you to kill demons in the allotted time. If you survive, the reward is a Whispered Cache. 

Do the new Call of the Wolves quest: By doing these quests, you can earn more reputation towards the Wolf’s Honor system. Getting the reputation might be hard, but if you know how to farm Wolf’s Honor, you’re halfway there. Earning rep is not only good for XP farming but you can get loot and other gear that’s specific to your character. So it can be good for many reasons. 

Iron Wolves Diablo 4 Season 4
Image: Blizzard

Start The Pit Dungeons: The Pit are high Tier 46 Nightmare Dungeons that will push your character to your limit. It’s filled with enemies around the 100-level mark. By completing them, you could very easily progress in leveling up — just don’t die. Entering The Pit requires you to be on World Tier 4. It would be a good idea to make sure you can withstand the punishment. Because if you don’t things will go south very fast. Unlike normal dungeons, the completion of The Pit requires more strategy. Ensure you have a build that can help that. 

Use a leveling build: I prefer using leveling builds more so than any other type. They can output a lot of damage and of course, get XP fast. The best part is that you might need any bonuses. A good example of these qualities is the Necromancer Leveling Build, if you use this in The Pit, then expect tons of XP to start accumulating. It focuses on the character’s minions. If you’ve used the Necromancer class like I have, you can probably notice how overpowered your skeleton minions get. This build just turns everything up to 11.  However, the downside is that not all leveling builds are equal, so experiment with what works with your playstyle. 

How to get Stygian Stones and what they do in Diablo 4
Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Since Helltides are becoming more accessible, why not see how Helltides have changed in Season 4?

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