Embers Adrift closed out 2024 with a quality-of-life patch and two new raid bosses

With full free-to-play — including subscriber perks — continuing in Embers Adrift as the studio gets a handle on its payment processing, the throwback MMO closed out 2024 with a December 31st patch.

“As promised this month’s patch is light on content as most of our time continues to be spent on the upcoming zone Grizzled Peaks II,” Stormhaven’s devs said. “We did however, sneak in a slew of [quality-of-life] updates, new raid bosses, and some player health adjustments. Steam integration continues to move forward but there are still some kinks to work out with account migrations and reoccurring payments.”

Some of these improvements include a confirmation dialogue for teleportation, a new way to use dungeon ember rings to form groups, health and stat adjustments, and two new raid bosses (one in the Meadowlands and one in the Flooded Ruins), bringing the total number in the game up to eight.

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