The annual Little Ladies’ Day event in Final Fantasy XIV has nearly arrived once more, and this time you’re not dressing up a doll but yourself. Specifically, you are dressing yourself up in an absolutely smashing new outfit as the main award this year. It’s a unisex outfit, and whatever your feeling may be on previous years of the event, you almost certainly will have a use for this one when it gets added to the game on March 3rd. Sure, it’ll probably just be a quick questline to unlock it, but it’s still a fun award in and of itself.
Meanwhile, Square-Enix has put together a new internal interview with FFXIV’s composer and master of music Masayoshi Soken to commemorate the most recent live recording of the Primals performing his music. It’s an interesting look behind the scenes, as Soken explains that his goal isn’t to make all of the pieces of music fit a specific genre but rather to compose each song as its own track. He also discusses the formation of the Primals and how the band’s piano-and-rock focus came into existence, so if you’re a fan of the game’s music it is well worth a read.