Age of Empires Mobile adds new Mercenary troops system

  • Age of Empires Mobile is adding in a brand new Mercenary Troops system
  • It’ll allow you to field units normally locked off to your faction
  • Available from level 26 it also offers unlockable tech to further upgrade them

Ever wanted to see Joan of Arc lead Roman Centurions into battle? How about Hannibal Barca sending Japanese Samurai to sack Rome? Well in the new Age of Empires Mobile update, you can do just that with the addition of the Mercenary Troops system.

When you reach level 26 you’ll unlock the new Mercenary Camp structure that allows you to contract and recruit powerful new units. You’ll be able to unlock and upgrade tech to make these warriors even more powerful, and you can secure your first mercenaries for free in a new event that’s now live.

As for what’s going to be added, the following will show up as Mercenary units: Byzantine Cataphracts, Swiss Pikemen, Persian Immortals, Indian Battle Elephants, Roman Centurions, Egyptian Chariot Archers, Japanese Samurai and Korean Archers; all of which will have tech to further increase their already formidable abilities on the battlefield.

Blood Money

The new Mercenary troops system definitely has shades of Total War for me, as I fondly remember overwhelming my enemy with a horde of swords-for-hire in Rome: Total War and Medieval II. At the same time, I can see this being a bit of a marmite addition, as some may see this as upsetting the apple cart in terms of balance.

We’ll simply have to see how well it works out now that the Mercenary troop system is in the hands of players; and who knows? Maybe we’ll see some custom units like the historical Landsknechts on offer later on? We’ll just have to wait and see.

But if you need a quick introduction to the best heroes to try and unlock, look no further than some of our guides for AoE mobile. Our tier list of all Age of Empires Mobile heroes, ranked by power, will give you a lowdown on who’s trash and who isn’t.

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