Age of Empires Mobile heroes tier list




Hero Type
Miyamoto Mushashi Cavalry
Lu Bu Cavarly
King Arthur Cavarly, Swordsmen
Hua Mulan Archer
Attila the Hun Archer, Cavalry
Leonidas Pikemen

At the top of the tier list are obviously the best heroes that you can get. Make sure to use the ones that synergize nicely with the type of army you are trying to build. If you are F2P, I’d suggest you stay away from Cavarly type.

About Hua Mulan

Hua Mulan is a great choice for your archer army. That build focuses on Flying Swallow, Starchaser, Weak Spot Attack, and Double Attack. Her abilities give various buffs such as armor reduction, increased might, and enhanced damage over time.

About King Arthur

King Arthur is currently the only Mythic rarity hero in the game. The only way to unlock him is through a VIP event though. If you somehow get your hands on him, his key skills include “Glory of Knight,” which damages multiple enemies and boosts his stats., and “Sword of Radiance,” which triggers the Blessing of Glory state, allowing him to ignore a percentage of enemy defences.

About Leonidas

Be it for Sparta or your own kingdom, Leonidas is that guy. He’s an amazing choice to lead your pikemen army. In fact, he’s the best one. His skill set is somewhat true to his lore as Leonidas gains more power as his army loses troops. He has AoE damage, chances to counterattack, and also buff his soldier’s damage. The best talent tree for Leonidas includes skills like Firm Strike, Unyielding Soul, Fearless Retribution, and Whirlwind Sweep.



Attila character wearing traditional gear
Hero Type
Hannibal Cavalry
Octavian Pikemen
Justinian the Great Cavarly
Suleiman Archer
Tribhuwana Pikemen, Cavalry
Yodit Swordsmen
Queen Seondeok Swordsmen
Sun Tzu Pikemen, Cavalry
Ram-Khamhaeng Pikemen
Diao Chan Cavalry, Archer

A-tier heroes are excellent choices to lead your army. They are just not as overpowered as the S-Tier ones that’s all. Especially for the ones who are not looking to spend real money in the game, these heroes will do the job.

About Octavian

Octavian is a great pairing with Leonidas to lead your pikemen army. His active skill adds Supreme Mark stacks whenever heroes use signature turn-based or secondary strike skills within 18 seconds.

About Justinian the Great

Justinian is a top-tier support hero who specializes in troop recovery and buffs that can reduce damage taken. He’s a great pair with Cleopatra.

About Tribhuwana

One of the best support heroes in the game, Tribhuwana’s skillset is all about buffs and debuffs. Her skills are Regal Radiance, which recovers units and reduces enemy armour. Ode To Java: Increases signature skill activation chance and provides unit recovery. Righteous Judgement: Deals significant damage while debuffing enemy heroes. King’s Blade: Enhances damage after normal attacks.



Josephine with a long blonde hair and a gold bandana
Hero Type
Boudica Cavalry
Constantine the Great Pikemen
King Derrick Pikemen
Theodora Archer
Yi Seong Gye Pikemen, Cavalry
Josephine Archer, Swordmen
Rani Durgavati Archer, Cavalry
Cleopatra Cavalry, Swordsmen
Richard Pikemen
Sejong The Great Cavalry

B-Tier heroes perform above average compared to other heroes. So, in other words, they are good overall.

About Josephine

Not often is a starting hero actually good but Josephine is. And, especially if you are F2P, it’s very easy to get her medals so I think overall, she’s an excellent choice for new players.


Another support hero, Theodora can boost troops’ damage and reduce damage taken. Pretty much like Cleopatra and Justinian.



Joan of Arc in blue armour, holding a sword in her right hand
Hero Type
Julius Caesar Pikemen, Swordsmen
Joan of Arc Pikemen
Cid Cavalry
Hammurabi Swordsmen
Bushra Pikemen, Cavalry
Tariq Cavalry
Frederick Barbarossa Pikemen
Philip IV Swordsmen
Guan Yu Cavalry
Bellevue Archer
Yi Sun-Shin Archer
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Swordsmen
Oda Nobunaga Swordsmen
Tokugawa Ieyasu Swordsmen

Not a lot to say here. C-Tier Heroes are simply not that good. Or, there are just much better options in Age of Empires Mobile.

That said, you might have to use some of them in the very early stages of the game, like for example, Joan of Arc. Later on, make sure to switch to better ones that fit your type of army.

Ah and don’t use your resources on any of them.



Joan character close up face only image
Hero Type
Darius the Great Pikemen, Swordsmen
Leo Pikemen
Li Daoxuan Swordsmen
Leon Archer
Axel Cavalry
Baldassi Swordsmen
Wu Wei Pikemen
Nino Swordsmen
Gao Meng Swordsmen
Gatos Pikemen
Yuan Xia Archer
Narses Cavalry
Luki Archer
Kaso Cavalry
Thanius Pikemen
Clyde Cavalry
Cui Ruyi Archer

Usually they save the best for last but I saved the worst ones. So, let’s talk about the worst heroes in Age of Empires mobile! How about that? Nah, I don’t think so.

Just ignore them, I won’t get into any details as to why these heroes rank the way they do. They are just trash.

Keep in mind that this list will probably change with future updates. Maybe we get new heroes or some of the existing ones get their skills rebalanced. So, we suggest you get back to this page from time to time to get the latest Age of Empires Mobile tier list.

And if you’re looking for similar content, you’ll be pleased to know that we are featuring the Archero 2 tier list, and the Echocalypse tier list where all of the cases are ranked. There are others, but you’ll have to look around!


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