All Gray Zone Warfare faction differences explained

Before you can start looting and shooting your way through Lamang in Gray Zone Warfare, you’ll need to choose a faction during the character creation process.

Your faction choice will determine a lot of things in Gray Zone Warfare and could potentially lock you out of co-op with your friends, so take the time to think over your decision. There are three of them to choose from, and you’re stuck with the faction of your choosing permanently for the time being.

Which Gray Zone Warfare Faction is the Best?

There are three main factions in Gray Zone Warfare. The first is the Lamang Recovery Initiative. This group is led by a tech billionaire and touts itself as a philanthropic organization that wants to help any potential survivors in Lamang after the UN abandoned the island.

Next up is Mithras Security Systems. MSS is a PMC run by soldiers for soldiers. It’s a strict, experienced group inspired by the Roman Legion system. Mithras is the defacto military contractor in Gray Zone Warfare.

Lastly, there’s Crimson Shield International. CSI is a PMC just like Mithras Security Systems, although they don’t pride themselves on professionalism all that much. They have a history of “collateral damage” from previous operations (read: civilian casualties) but nobody can deny their effectiveness and ability to get the job done.

Do Factions Affect Anything in Gray Zone Warfare?

Image: Madfinger Games

Aside from the lore tidbits for each faction, they’re essentially the same. They’re the backbone of the game’s PVP system, and enemy faction players will be hostile targets when you venture into the wilds of Lamang. In the early hours of the game, each faction begins in a different starting town in opposite corners of the map so new players can learn the ropes.

The most important part of the faction system in Gray Zone Warfare is co-op. If you do not choose the same faction as your friends, you cannot play with them. Make sure to coordinate with your friends so you can squad up together.

Really, the faction system just decides who is a friend and who is a foe in Gray Zone Warfare’s co-op and PVP systems. There may be some unique quests or something down the line, but as it stands, the storyline and missions are exactly the same for each group.

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