All Shuro Chi Wish Wall Solutions in Destiny 2

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Destiny 2 has many hidden secrets to discover but one of these is the Wish Wall tucked away in the raid found within the Dreaming City. I remember first going through this raid when it was released and I didn’t find out about the Wish Wall until much more recently.

This article will take you through all the Shuro Chi Wish Wall Solutions in Destiny 2.

All Destiny 2 Wish Wall Solutions

All wishes can be entered in any order you would like as there is no set pattern to them. I recommend just going for the wishes you want to use the most. Usually, the Shuro Chi teleport for the Last Wish raid is used a lot as it is an excellent farming spot, which is why it’s common for the wall to be known as the Shuro Chi Wish Wall.

To activate a wish, shoot the circles to match the images and then step on the glowing circle on the floor.

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Wish One — Shuro Chi Teleport

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Up first, this is the pattern you will need to enter for an immediate teleport to the Shuro Chi encounter. It takes quite a while to set up I have found but it is very worthwhile.

Wish Two — Hope for the Future by Paul McCartney

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

This pattern will have Destiny 1 nostalgia flooding back to players like myself. When you enter this and step on the floor pad, Hope for the Future by Paul McCartney will play for a short time.

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Wish Three — Failsafe Dialogue

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This will unlock some Failsafe Dialogue for you to listen to throughout the raid. Since you likely won’t have heard from this character for a while like I hadn’t, this can be a nice surprise.

Wish Four — Explosive Celebration Headshots

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Whenever you get headshots on enemies with this wish active, there will be an explosive celebration which is very close to the Grunt exploding heads from Halo.

Wish Five — Last Wish Raid Emblem

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

The pattern above will unlock the fancy Last Wish emblem which I personally used for a long while in the game.

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Wish Six — Ethereal Key

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

You will get given an Ethereal Key for activating this wish. It can be used for the final chest after defeating Riven.

Wish Seven — Traveler Head

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

This wish is purely aesthetic but it will place a massive Traveler onto the head of your character which is hilarious to look at.

Wish Eight — Corrupted Egg Spawns

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

The above wish spawns corrupted eggs throughout the Last Wish raid.

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Wish Nine — Spawns Chest Between Morgeth and The Vault

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

The ninth wish I have listed here will spawn a chest which is situated between the Morgeth encounter and the vault for you to open. You will need a Glittering key to open the chest.

Wish 10 — Morgeth Encounter Teleport

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

A simple wish that will let you teleport to the Morgeth encounter of Last Wish.

Wish 11 — Vault Teleport

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Another teleport wish is this one which will let you go to the Vault. I recommend using an Auto Rifle (or trace rife) while shooting the wish wall so it is easier to change the pattern circles.

Wish 12 — Riven Encounter Teleport

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

This wish will teleport you and your fireteam to the final boss of Last Wish known as Riven. This is perfect for those wanting to just clear the raid as quickly as possible.

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Wish 13 — Drifter Dialogue

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Similar to the Failsafe dialogue wish, this will let you hear dialogue from the charismatic Drifter while playing the raid.

Wish 14 — Hardest Difficulty of Raid (Extinguish Mode)

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Finally, wish 14 will activate what players know as the hardest difficulty for Last Wish known as Extinguish mode. If any player is eliminated during the raid, you will all be taken back to orbit.

There is a 15th wish but it does not do anything for the player apart from a story mission so I have decided to leave this out as you get help creating the wish.

Where to Find the Last Wish Raid’s Wish Wall

It isn’t too difficult to find the wish wall as it is close to the very start of the raid. Proceed as normal at the beginning until you reach Kali’s door. Don’t go in the door and instead go to the left-hand side rocky area instead. Jump around the cliffside and then get up onto the small vegetation-filled platform. From there, climb up to the top and jump across the gap.

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Follow the path through and you will now be at the wish wall ready to input the codes. This will let you reap all the rewards from the wall in Destiny 2.

– This article was updated on January 6th, 2024

About The Author

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Gordon is a contributing writer for Attack of the Fanboy, a Games Design (BA) Honours student, and a Video Game Ambassador. He has been writing at AOTF for over a year and a half, with four years of games writing experience for outlets like Green Man Gaming.
When he’s not busy, he’ll no doubt be experiencing games, writing poetry, playing guitar, adventuring, or happily starting a new Skyrim playthrough! As an avid Final Fantasy XIV player, he also hopes that you’ll gain a warm feeling from his community stories.
Gordon has reported on Fallout 4 and Destiny 2, whose favorite genres include action RPGs, MMORPG’s and First Person Shooters but is always experimenting with many other types of games.

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