When you’re indulging in some eye candy with MMORPGs, don’t neglect the equally delectable ear candy that’s the product of hard work by the team’s composers and sound designers. This is the message of Stars Reach’s Kurt Larson as he discusses all of the audio work being put into the upcoming sandbox, including voice-overs and background music.
Larson said that he’s not sure whether or not Stars Reach will feature any sort of voice acting — it’s a possibility, just not a certainty — but that effort is being put into music that won’t annoy or disconnect the player from the immediate game experience by creating a system that subtly reacts to what’s happening on screen.
“We can tie in environmental data to make the music respond to weather, time-of-day, seasons, etc. We can tie in player actions to make the music respond with a gentle congratulatory feel. We can tie in assessments of the level of enemy challenges nearby to create a sense of danger, or ease. Let’s change from major to minor key when it starts raining. Let’s increase the tempo a bit if the enemies in an area are way higher level than you are,” Larson said.
Meanwhile, Stars Reach’s Kickstarter is inching toward $600,000 and the unlock of the Fae species, as the campaign is at $591,814 on Friday morning with under two weeks to go.
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