Minsc is the loveable, yet thick-headed companion in Baldur’s Gate 3, and if you recruit him we have the best build guide for you.
As a Ranger, Minsc can offer a lot to your party. And don’t forget about Boo, his Miniature Giant Space Hamster of a friend. Here’s how to properly build Minsc.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Minsc Ranger companion build
In my opinion, you should choose the Beast Master Ranger subclass for Minsc. Not just because he has a little critter of his own, but because it’s an extremely versatile subclass to play with. If you want to know how to level your companion Minsc, here is the best build for him in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Best Minsc Ability Scores
Although Dexterity is the main Ability Rangers use, Wisdom is another important one. This is what Rangers base their spellcasting off of. I also recommend having Minsc’s Constitution high enough to keep him up during the fight. The other Abilities don’t matter as much.
Ability | Score |
Strength | 10 |
Dexterity | 17 (+2) |
Constitution | 15 |
Intelligence | 8 |
Wisdom | 14 (+1) |
Charisma | 10 |
Related: Best Ranger subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3, ranked (BG3)
Minsc Beast Master Ranger leveling guide
- Level 1
- Choose Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter
- Gain Proficiency in Investigation, and creatures you hit with Ensnaring Strike get Disadvantage on their saving throw.
- Choose Natural Explorer: Beast Tamer
- Can cast Find Familiar as a Ritual spell.
- Choose Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter
- Level 2
- Choose Fighting Style: Archery
- Gain +2 bonus to Ranged weapon attack rolls.
- Choose Fighting Style: Archery
- Level 3
- Choose Beast Master subclass
- Summon Companion ability (Bear, Boar, Dire Raven, Wolf, and Wolf Spider).
- Choose Beast Master subclass
- Level 4
- Choose feat: Sharpshooter
- Ranged weapon attacks aren’t penalized by High Ground Rules. Also gain a toggleable passive ability allowing you to have a -5 penalty to your attack roll, but you can deal an additional 10 damage.
- Choose feat: Sharpshooter
- Level 5
- Extra Attack: Can attack twice in one turn.
- Companion’s Bond: Your Proficiency Bonus adds to your animal companion’s AC, damage, and attack rolls. Also their HP increases.
- Level 6
- Choose additional Favored Enemy: Ranger Knight
- Gain Heavy Armor Proficiency and History Proficiency.
- Choose additional Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer Fire
- Choose additional Favored Enemy: Ranger Knight
- Level 7
- Exceptional Training: As a Bonus Action, your companion can Dash, Disengage, and Help.
- Level 8
- Choose feat: Ability Improvement
- Land’s Stride: Difficult Terrain
- Difficult Terrain won’t slow you down.
- Your companion’s HP increases.
- Level 10
- Hide in Plain Sight: Become Invisible and gain a +10 bonus to Stealth checks if you stand still.
- Choose additional Favored Enemy: Keeper of the Veil
- Gain Protection from Evil and Good spell, and Proficiency in Arcana.
- Choose additional Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer Poison
- Level 11
- Bestial Fury: Your companion gains Extra Attack, and their HP increases.
- Level 12
- Choose feat: Durable
- CON raises by one, and you regain full HP upon a Short Rest.
- Choose feat: Durable

With this build, Minsc is an incredible ranged fighter who can summon a companion for aid. I chose the Feats Sharpshooter and Durable, since Sharpshooter upgrades Minsc’s ability to aim true, and Durable can keep him on his feet longer.
For the Favored Enemies, there were many great options, but I had to narrow it down to three. Now he can wear Heavy Armor, use Ensnaring Strike more often, and grant protection against creatures from other planes.
Then there are the Natural Explorer choices. Since many enemies deal Fire and Poison damage, those are great choices for resistance. But I thought having the Find Familiar ability was also great since it works well with his subclass. Now he can summon creatures in and out of combat.
Now that you know more about the best build for Minsc, how about you check out our build guide for Minthara?