Boxing Star unleashes the beast with new animal-inspired MegaPunches and Gym equipment


  • Boxing Star, ThumbAge’s hit sports arcade sim, now has a new update
  • It adds two new MegaPunches, special moves, that will help flatten opponents
  • There’s also new Gym training equipment to help upgrade your character between bouts

While purists may scoff, one of the undeniable benefits of eschewing simulation in favour of gamification is that it’s just more fun at the end of the day. Take ThumbAge and their hit arcade sports release Boxing Star, and its mix of goofy expressions and hardcore violence. And now, if you want to add an extra bit of bite to your blows there’s two new MegaPunches being added!

MegaPunches are, for lack of a better term, super moves. Akin to something like Critical Arts in Street Fighter, when you’ve filled your Hyper Gauge far enough you can unleash a devasting blow to flatten your opponent. Naturally, there’s a whole variety of these, and there are two new additional MegaPunches for boxers to nab.

The two new MegaPunches add a bit of animalistic flare to these moves. Flame Bone for example is inspired by the mythical dragon and covers everything in fire while dealing damage based on critical hits. Frost Fang meanwhile will infuse your blow with ice, freezing opponents in place dand ealing damage to opponents while the chilly barrier is active.


It’s not just additional MegaPunches either, as Boxing Star is also seeing the introduction of new gym equipment for your character to train with between bouts. Deadlift enhances skill damage stats and can be upgraded all the way to level 8, while the Training Timer shortens the time for skills to be trained.

Yes, while it may not be a realistic simulation of boxing (save for a bout between Superman and the Hulk I suppose), Boxing Star isn’t short of additional, flashy content either.

Speaking of arcade, if you’re looking to break out of the sports sim genre why not check out some new releases that might take you there? Amusement Arcade Toaplan resurrects hit releases from the 80s and puts them right in the palm of your hand, including your own personal 3D arcade!


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