Corepunk updates its website, reopens pre-orders, releases Episode 2, and debuts a new early access trailer


This week was a particularly busy one for the MMOARPG Corepunk, as developer Artificial Core has put its nose to the grindstone to make a host of updates to the game as it continues to march towards its promised November 26th early access launch despite admitting to being behind schedule a couple of weeks ago.

Today’s post would seem to suggest the studio has made up some ground: The game’s website has been updated, pre-orders for early access has been re-engaged while existing pre-orders and alpha two testers will get similar goodies, and marketing for early access is ramping up, which includes a new trailer. The devs also note that its affiliate program is being suspended temporarily for a retooling both in response to feedback and due to a lack of interest.

As for the current test build itself, that introduces Episode 2 that promises more complex quests and mechanics while the studio is committing to getting Episode 3 out the door next week. The article continues to reference patch notes that aren’t actually available unless you rifle through its Discord to find… an image of notes. We’ve got it available for viewing below.


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