Does Satisfactory have an end?

Asking if there is an end to Satisfactory is like asking if there is an end to humanity’s relentless march toward expansion and domination. The only limits are those of the host we tirelessly suck dry.

Is there an Endgame to Satisfactory

The simple answer is no; Satisfactory is an open-ended game with no end. However, there are a few points at which players consider themselves finished and move on. These can be particular goals and levels of unlocks or as simple as making a well-oiled, self-sustaining machine.

The Golden Nut and Mug

By collecting the FISCIT Tokens from the AWESOME SINK, many little trinkets and baubles can be purchased from the AWESOME SHOP. One of the last ones that can be bought is the Golden Nut. This, for many players, is considered the end game of Satisfactory.

This is a bigger task than it may initially seem. The price of tokens goes up exponentially. Eventually, planet-wide networks will be needed to feed into the machine to receive enough tokens for the Golden Nut.

Image: Satisfactory

Akin to the Golden Nut is the Golden Mug. This item is awarded to the player once the 8th space elevator is sent. Once it has been shot into space, the player receives a golden employee of the planet mug.

The Satisfactory quest end

Without giving away spoilers, there is a storyline that runs through the game since the 1.0 release. Completing the tasks, and fulfilling your mission is certainly a goal that a lot of people would consider the end of Satisfactory, but it in no way ends the game. Once it has been completed, the world is still free to be explored and used for factories and production. After all, your duties to FISCIT never end.

The Collector

This end for Satisfactory is achieved when all of a limited item is collected from the map. This could be anything from the glowing Power Slugs, to the many Hard drives located in crash sites. Players have spent hours trying to locate all of a certain item, creating their own end games for Satisfactory.

Power Slug End Satisfactory
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Effective and Aesthetic

For many, the true purpose of Satisfactory is to create the most beautiful and efficient factory setups on the planet. Everything must feed everything; in turn, feeding everything else in a beautiful circus of production.

The real end game is returning to all the old setups you made along the way and cleaning them up with the knowledge you have learned through the game’s journey. Everyone’s experience is different, meaning all setups and factories are personal.

Cannot compute

As a Satisfactory build gets bigger and bigger, the tax on your hardware will also get larger. A PC can only handle so much. A number of people have mentioned that they call it a day when their hardware can no longer handle the sheer computation needed to run their gargantuan factories.

Satisfactory has no end game

The update that was released with 1.0 added a storyline where there was none. However, these have more to do with the lore of the game rather than bringing an end to the game. As it stands, Satisfactory can be played without an end, forever working on the many elements and experimenting with the various machines. The final goal is a personal choice.

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