Global Chat: Recapping World of Warcraft’s Pandaria Remix


With Pandaria Remix now officially over and done in World of Warcraft, it’s time to move on… right after some post-mortem analysis, of course. MMO blog Priest with a Cause shared some thoughts on this three-month event and its quirky setup.

“Since the power level of the special event-specific cloak is not capped, I would have expected to see more and more powerful characters over time, but the reality seemed to be that — like when you enter a cheat code in a single-player game and get bored after the initial rush of excitement wears off — a lot of people who worked hard to max out their gear in the first couple of weeks quickly got tired of actually using it.”

Continue reading for more community MMO essays on Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, Fallout 76, and more!

Dragonchasers had some good fun with a Guild Wars 2 world boss fight: ” It was a real spectacle and very aspirational. I can’t wait to keep moving through the game, learning new stuff, exploring new areas… I’m pretty jazzed about Guild Wars 2 now!”

The Dragon Chronicle is ready for The War Within: “With feeling so unwell this month, I’ve found myself playing much more World of Warcraft. And with the new expansion launching in like a week (eeeee!) I’m doing a lot of inventory cleaning and quest completion to tidy up my log a bit. Get myself good and ready for new adventures.”

Going Commando wonders if flashpoints can return as SWTOR’s endgame: “Whenever I do queue for a master mode flashpoint for example, I almost always get the same ones, because people want to just do the easiest ones for rewards and not have to deal with any of the harder or newer ones. Which I think is a crying shame!”

Virtual Bastion praised Fallout 76’s original story: “I’d highly recommend, though, that new folks don’t sleep on the main story. Granted, the in-game rewards for doing so aren’t as great as they once might have been, but playing through well-written, meaningful quests is its own reward.”

The Ancient Gaming Noob wonders how Pantheon’s early access will go: “You wipe in alpha.  You wipe in an invite-only beta. You do not wipe in an ‘up in the store and people have to pay to play’ early access.  When people are paying money, you don’t mess with their stuff. That is my opinion, but I think it is a pretty strong one, and one that a wise company might heed.”

Many Whelps looks at No Man’s Sky’s lackluster multiplayer: “All this to say, I don’t think No Man’s Sky offers much of a multiplayer experience. Admittedly, we haven’t gotten very far in the game so I to see what we could do together. There, I found a lot of the same sentiment. One thing that did come up was doing Nexus missions together from the Anomaly. We haven’t tried these yet so maybe it will add some structure and a common goal for us to work on together.”

Every day there are tons of terrific, insightful, and unusual articles posted across the MMO gaming blogosphere — and every day, Justin reads as many as he can. Global Chat is a sampling of noteworthy essays, rants, and guides from the past few weeks of MMO discourse.


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