Guild Wars 2 unveils Mount Balrior, its first proper raid in five years

So if you’re looped into the Guild Wars 2 scene, you already know that the second big chunk of the four-part Janthir Wilds expansion is coming to the game next week on November 19th. If you’re a mapper (hi!), this is not gonna be your patch. But if you’re a raider, step right up because ArenaNet is finally delivering its first raid in five years, along with a big ol’ convergence too.

As detailed in the studio’s latest dev blog, the raid itself is Mount Balrior; its normal mode is meant to “allow pickup groups and more casual raiders a chance at success,” but there’s a challenge mode coming in a future update as well for “thrill-seeker and top-tier raiders.”

“Mount Balrior is structured with three main bosses and additional encounters, with each section designed to test your coordination and adaptability,” ArenaNet says. “Exploration will also play a key role for those looking to delve into the raid’s lore. You’ll be teaming up once again with the Durmand Priory’s expert scholar, Glenna, and comparing notes about what has been occurring in the region.” […] Greer’s relentless, chaotic attacks are back in force, demanding sharp reflexes and adaptability, while Decima’s highly structured mechanics require meticulous planning and coordination to overcome. Their signature moves and visual cues will feel familiar, but don’t be fooled—each ability has been reimagined, layered with new complexities that will keep your team on its toes.”

As for the new 50-person convergence, it’ll alternate with the Secrets of the Obscure convergences, unless you’ve got your own premade ready to roll.

“[T]his Convergence features the Claw of the lowland kodan, Stoic Alder, as he narrates the player’s journey to young kodan cubs. Alder’s storytelling adds a unique twist each time, creating unexpected moments that keep everyone guessing as the tale unfolds. Our team took on the exciting challenge with this multipurpose map, which is designed to host Convergences, story quests, and raid content. Packed with hidden passages and breakable walls, it allows designers to modify and reshape areas, creating a truly unique environment for each encounter. Exploring its depths may even reveal a few hidden details for those who enjoy uncovering every secret!”

Godspawn drops Tuesday, November 19th.

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