Honkai Star Rail Memory of Chaos Eve of Wanton Feast guide (1-12)


A new Memory of Chaos phase is now available in the Forgotten Hall in Honkai Star Rail, and the Eve of Wanton feast features boosts for DoT characters with a Trotter-themed twist.

This is one of the most inventive rounds of Memory of Chaos that we’ve seen in the Forgotten Hall in quite some time, and the Trotter can help you clear some of the tougher stages even with suboptimal team composition.

Honkai Star Rail Eve of Wanton Feast Guide

Eve of Wanton Feast will be live for 42 days, beginning on Monday, March 18, and ending on Monday, April 29. Here’s the Memory Turbulence Effect for Eve of Wanton Feast:

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Memory Turbulence: Summons a Trotter at the beginning of each wave or each cycle. The Trotter takes 200% increased DMG from Basic ATKs and DoT effects. When the Trotter is defeated, if any enemies are in Bleed, Shock, Burn, or Wind Shear state, immediately deals DMG equal to 50% of the original DoT effect to them, with a high chance to inflict Bleed, Shock, Burn, or Wind Shear on all enemies for 3 turns.

Black Swan makes quick work of every stage of Eve of Wanton Feast, so things will be much more difficult if you haven’t pulled her. Kafka is also insanely strong with the Trotters applying additional DoT effects, too. No matter what though, the Trotters are a huge help so make sure to target them whenever you can.

Stage 1

The first stage of Eve of Wanton Feast only features level 68 enemies, so you should be able to brute force this one with a decent team as long as you play your cards right. Here are the recommended team compositions for each part.

  • Team 1
    • Black Swan
    • Kafka
    • Blade
    • Bailu
  • Team 2
    • March 7th
    • Welt
    • Herta
    • Serval

You can use any characters that match the recommended elements as long as you remember to focus on the Trotters when they appear. Sampo is a great Wind alternative if you don’t have Blade or Black Swan, and Hook and Guinaifen are perfect for Fire units if you have them built. Most 4-star DoT units can be used in the second part, so don’t be afraid to mix and match characters.

Stage 2

The second stage of this Memory of Chaos phase features some really annoying enemies, but they’re only level 70 so you should be fine as long as you’ve got a team of level 80 characters ready to go. Use these teams for the best chance of victory.

  • Team 1
  • Team 2
    • March 7th
    • Silver Wolf
    • Ruan Mei
    • Guinaifen

The first team is carried by Kafka and Serval‘s DoT damage, but a Wind unit like Blade is necessary to deal with some of the smaller foes. You can swap in Sampo, Black Swan, or anyone else if you’d prefer. For the second team, you can use other Ice units like Pela or Herta if you don’t have the listed 5 stars. The second boss of wave two has a Fire weakness though, so make sure you still have someone like Hook if you swap out Guinaifen.

Stage 3

The third stage is where things start ramping up a little bit with level 73 enemies, but most players shouldn’t have any issues getting all three stars. These are the best teams for stage three.

  • Team 1
    • Bailu
    • Guinaifen
    • Kafka
    • Serval
  • Team 2
    • Fu Xuan
    • Black Swan
    • Blade
    • Silver Wolf

DoT damage inflicted by Kafka, Serval, and Guinaifen will easily carry you through the first fight as long as you use their AOE attacks to defeat Trotters. You can also swap in March 7th, Hook, Herta, Asta, or Pela for this team. The second team is absolutely carried by Black Swan and she can defeat both waves in just a few turns if you have her built correctly. If you don’t have Black Swan, bring Sampo and other DoT characters so you can take advantage of the Trotter bonus.

Stage 4

Stage four of Eve of Wanton Feast is tough, but the level 75 enemies give you a bit of wiggle room for team compositions if you have level 80 characters. Use these teams to make quick work of your foes.

  • Team 1
    • Bailu
    • Guinaifen
    • Kafka
    • Serval
  • Team 2
    • Luka
    • Welt
    • Natasha
    • Black Swan

The first phase is incredibly easy with the listed team lineup since it’s one of the best DoT groups in the game. Their DoT output supported by Trotter bonuses will make quick work of the first phase. The second part of this stage is where things get tricky. You can swap on March 7th for Natasha if you’d rather have an Ice character, but make sure you keep Luka or at least one Physical character for this wave. Dr. Ratio and Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae also make great Imaginary replacements.

Stage 5

Stage five pits you against a pair of Malefic Apes for the first wave half, but the real threat is Cocolia waiting in the second wave of the second team’s battle. As such, you’ll want to ensure that the second team is well-prepared for a boss fight.

  • Team 1
    • Sampo
    • Blade
    • March 7th
    • Black Swan
  • Team 2
    • Kafka
    • Serval
    • Fu Xuan
    • Silver Wolf

Again, DoT effects are the key to victory here, so Sampo and Black Swan will carry the first team to victory. Blade and March are just there for support, so you can swap them out for other characters. Fire is a good element for the first team, so Guinaifen, Hook, and Asta are great fits. Bailu also works as a support for the first team instead of March 7th.

The second team relies on Kafka and Serval to counter Electric weaknesses. Fu Xuan is the best support for this fight because of the Quantum weaknesses that most enemies have, and the same goes for Silver Wolf. You can swap Silver Wolf out for Seele or Xueyi if you’d rather have another Quantum damage dealer to help defeat Cocolia, though.

Stage 6

Eve of Wanton feast stage six is the first big hurdle for this Memory of Chaos challenge. Thankfully, the recommended elements allow for some really strong team compositions.

  • Team 1
    • Guinaifen
    • Kafka
    • Black Swan
    • Bailu
  • Team 2
    • Herta
    • Dr. Ratio
    • Pela
    • Fu Xuan

The first team makes use of some of the game’s strongest Nihility characters, so you shouldn’t have an issue there. If you’re missing those units, however, try swapping in Sampo, Serval, March 7th, Hook, or Blade. As for the second team, the Ice units will do most of the carrying here with Dr. Ratio coming in for bonus damage. Fu Xuan is just there to support, so swap her out with your favorite Preservation or Harmony character if you so choose.

Stage 7

If you’ve skipped the first half of this Eve of Wanton Feast because you’ve cleared previous Memory of Chaos stages as a Forgotten Hall pro, then you’ll start this phase at stage seven. You’ll need some good 5-star characters to clear with three stars.

  • Team 1
    • Kafka
    • Serval
    • Black Swan
    • Bailu
  • Team 2
    • Fu Xuan
    • Sparkle
    • Jingliu
    • Silver Wolf

With Kafka and Serval dealing DoT damage and Black Swan inflicting stacks of Arcana, you’ll breeze through the first encounter for this stage. You need Electric characters for this fight, so there aren’t many other options. As for the second phase, there are a ton of Ice and Quantum characters that you can substitute like Jingiu, Seele, Xueyi, Yanqing, and Gepard.

Stage 8

Stage eight is the first time you’ll see enemies above the level cap of 80, so your team composition and strategy really start to matter here. Thankfully, the recommended elements for each fight pair nicely to create some great teams.

  • Team 1
    • Kafka
    • Serval
    • Bailu
    • Ruan Mei
  • Team 2
    • Fu Xuan
    • Sparkle
    • Silver Wolf
    • Black Swan

As you can probably tell from the past stages, Kafka and Serval are incredibly useful for this Memory of Chaos phase. Ruan Mei is another great pick for the first team, but you can swap in Jingliu or another Ice character if you’d prefer. Black Swan also works well with the first team, but you’ll need a replacement for her on the second team like Blade or Sampo if you move her over.

The second team goes hard on Quantum with Sparkle, Fu Xuan, and Silver Wolf. Other Quantum units like Seele and Xueyi work instead of Sparkle or Silver Wolf, however. If you swap out Black Swan, make sure you have an AOE attacker that can inflict DoT effects or take out Trotters quickly.

Stage 9

The ninth stage of Even of Wanton Feast features two of the most annoying Penacony enemies with some frustrating elemental restrictions. The first fight is much, much easier than the second. Use these teams to have the best chance of success.

  • Team 1
    • Kafka
    • Black Swan
    • Serval
    • Bailu
  • Team 2
    • Dr. Ratio
    • Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae
    • Guinaifen
    • Fu Xuan

Because the first part includes enemies that are all weak to Wind or Electric attacks, it’s the perfect stage for Kafka and Black Swan to carry. Acceptable replacements include Sampo and Blade for Wind users. If you need an Electric replacement, try using Tingyun instead of Kafka and then swapping out Serval for an AOE attacker like Jingliu or Clara.

The second team relies heavily on the usual Imaginary damage dealers like Imbibitor Lunae, but don’t underestimate Guinaifen. The strong enemies in the second half are weak to Fire and Guinaifen’s Firekiss debuff will increase the damage they take from all sources. March 7th is a good replacement for Fu Xuan here if you need an F2P alternative as well. Also, for F2P Physical damage dealers, don’t forget about Luka and Sushang.

Stage 10

The tenth stage of Eve of Wanton Feast features a duel with Gepard in the second half, so that’s where most of your strong units are going to end up. You still need a solid team for the first half’s Malefic Apes, though, so here’s a good list of teams to take.

  • Team 1
    • Black Swan
    • Fu Xuan
    • Guinaifen
    • Sampo
  • Team 2
    • Kafka
    • Serval
    • Bailu
    • Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae

The first team goes hard with Black Swan‘s Arcana debuff as Guinafen and Sampo will continually apply Burn and Wind Shear with their attacks. Fu Xuan is just a support but she does counter some Quantum weaknesses in this fight. Swap her out with March 7th if you have to since some enemies have Ice weaknesses here.

The second fight requires a good Electric team to put down Gepard, and Imaginary DPS units help too. That’s where the dynamic duo of Kafka and Serval come in with Bailu supporting and Imbibitor Lunae dealing additional damage where possible. If you run into Skill Point issues with this team, swap Serval out for Sparkle to ensure Imbibitor Lunae and Kafka can work well together while Bailu still has room to heal. If you don’t have Bailu, Natasha is a good fit for this fight. Dr. Ratio and Welt also work well as Imbibitor Lunae replacements.

Stage 11

Stage 11 adds double boss fights into the mix and you’ll start to see enemies above level 90 at this point. There isn’t much room for error here, so make sure you’re using the perfect team compositions.

  • Team 1
    • Silver Wolf
    • Fu Xuan
    • Kafka
    • Serval
  • Team 2
    • Black Swan
    • Guinaifen
    • Bailu
    • Ruan Mei

You’ve already beaten Cocolia once during this Memory of Chaos phase, but it’s time to do it all over again. The same team composition from earlier works here, but they’ll need to be level 80 with high-level Traces and good Relics. Seele or Xueyi work well as replacements for Silver Wolf, and you can even use them to replace Kafka if you’d rather use her on the second team for the harder fight.

The second team has to battle Svarog, one of the most frustrating bosses in all of Honkai Star Rail. Thankfully, Black Swan is broken in this Memory of Chaos phase. Use her with Guinaifen to inflict DoT effects on Svarog and his crew. They also counter his weaknesses, which makes Ruan Mei incredibly useful. Other wind units like Blade and Sampo also work well here, and you could even swap out Guinaifen for Hook if you think she’d do more damage. Asta is also another solid pick if you’d rather use a Fire character as a support.

Stage 12

The 12th and final stage of Eve of Wanton Feast is a true challenge with back-to-back battles against Yanqing and Sam. These are some of the toughest fights in the game normally, and now they’re beefed up to level 95. DoT damage is your friend here, and you need to kill those Trotters to rack up the stacks.

  • Team 1
    • Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae
    • Bailu
    • Sampo
    • Black Swan
  • Team 2
    • Fu Xuan
    • Kafka
    • Serval
    • Black Swan

Yanging’s boss fight relies on elemental weaknesses, so bringing a varied group is essential. Imbibitor Lunae will make quick work of all the Imaginary-weak enemies, as will Black Swan since every enemy also has Quantum weakness. Sampo is great for inflicting Wind Shear and powering up Black Swan’s Arcana as well. Other great replacements for this team include Blade, Sparkle, Dr. Ratio, and Welt.

The second team has to defeat Sam, so you’ll need to bust out the best DoT team in the game. With Fu Xuan on defense (also countering Sam’s Quantum weakness) and Kafka, Serval, and Black Swan acting as Honkai Star Rail’s definitive DoT trio, Sam shouldn’t pose too much of a threat. The main thing to worry about is keeping everyone alive by managing Fu Xuan’s Skills. If you need replacement units, then March 7th, Herta, Dr. Ratio, Imbibitor Lunae, Welt, and Sparkle are great fits.

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