How to deal Frost Damage in MW3 Zombies

Image: Sledgehammer Games

Freezing zombies was not something I expected to do today, but here we are. Here is how to deal frost damage in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.

MW3 Zombies: How to deal Frost Damage

Dealing frost damage in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, as well as the other types of special damage (Brain Rot, Toxic, etc.), can get a bit confusing and even extra arduous depending on whether you rely on RNG or not. You see, there are two ways can deal frost damage during your zombie runs, with the first one being finding and equipping a Cryo Freeze ammo mod.

Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

This is a sort of chip that you can install on any of your weapons, making them shoot bullets that will deal frost damage. Now, while this might seem extremely straightforward, the truth is that getting one of these mods is rare. I would recommend farming Aether Nests and Infected Strongholds and opening up all the caches you come across. You can also look for the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod Schematic, but again, it is rare.

Mw3 Zombies Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod
Image: PC Invasion

Frost Blast Field Upgrade

The other way you can deal frost damage is to equip the Frost Blast field upgrade as your default loadout. You will need to reach level 29 before you unlock it, though, so keep that in mind. This field upgrade will explode and damage nearby enemies, slowing them down as soon as they enter the area of effect of said explosion.

Mw3 Zombies Frost Blast
Image: PC Invasion

Related: How to do toxic damage in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)

Having said that, the actual damage output is not as high as you might expect, so if you are looking to collect frost damage kills, you are better off farming for the Cryo Freeze ammo mod. Just keep looting all caches for it and even spend some Essence to Pack-A-Punch your weapons so that you can visit the Medium or even High-Threat areas where you can get better drops.

Are you running out of Essence? Click here to learn how to collect more fast.

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