Image: Blizzard Entertainment
The Ring of Starless Skies is one of a few Uber Uniques in Diablo 4, but how can you get it? Uber Uniques are even rarer than regular Uniques, so it’ll be pretty difficult to find one.
Available to all classes, this ring is one of the most popular Uber Uniques, and many endgame players are in search of it. There’s one good way to farm for the Ring of Starless Skies, as we’ll explain below.
Diablo 4: Where to find the Ring of Starless Skies
This Uber Unique ring has a lot of great qualities to it, which is why it’s one of the most sought-after items in the game. How you can get the Ring of Starless Skies in Diablo 4 is by fighting the Uber boss Duriel, King of Maggots.
Although you have a chance of earning the Ring of Starless Skies from enemies that are level 85+, it’s pretty rare that you’ll even find it. Ever since Season 2 of Diablo 4, players can target farm bosses for certain Uniques. You’ll need to be on World Tier 3 to summon Duriel, as well as use two Mucus-Slick Eggs and two Shards of Agony.

You can obtain both these items from other Uber bosses. The Mucus-Slick Eggs are from Varshan, and the Shards of Agony come from Grigiore. Summoning Varshan requires Malignant Body Parts like the Blackened Femur and Gurgling Head. On the other hand, summoning Grigiore requires Living Steel.
Once you have enough items to summon Duriel, you can summon him at the Gaping Crevasse dungeon in the Southern Expanse region of Kehjistan. Upon defeat, you have the chance to get the Ring of Starless Skies. This ring has a few interesting properties that any class can take advantage of:
- Affixes:
- X% Resistance to All Elements
- 6% Lucky Hit Chance
- 5% Critical Strike Chance
- 19.5% Core Skill Damage
- 17.5% Critical Strike Damage
- Unique Effect:
- Spending your Primary Resources reduces the Resource cost of your Skills and increases your damage by 10%[x] for three seconds, up to 40%[x].
The affixes are extremely beneficial for all classes, and the Unique Effect will not only increase your damage but reduce the Resource cost of your Skills. No wonder most endgame players are searching for this amazing ring!
Speaking of rings, have you heard of the Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul? This is a cool Malignant Ring you can obtain for your Necromancer character.
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