Fortnite’s weekly challenges are a great reason to hop into the game regularly. Some challenges are a little confusing, so here’s how to Jam at Restored Reels and Slumberyard in Fortnite.
How to Jam in Fornite
Jamming is not the same as a regular emote but is accessed from the same menu. Bring up your emote wheel (hold down on the D-pad on a controller) and use the shoulder buttons to scroll over to Jam Loops.
In this menu, you can pick a song from around the wheel or press the middle button to change the instrument. While you’re playing an instrument, you can press the displayed buttons to change speed and tone to butcher some of your favorite pieces of music.
Where to Jam at Restored Reels and Slumberyards
To complete the challenge, you need to go to both locations, which are marked on the map above. You can do this in a single game if you’re feeling brave, but it’s easier to do it across a couple of games.

Restored Reels is exceptionally busy at the best of times, but you need to Jam on top of the stage.

Slumberyards is typically quieter than Restored Reels, and you can find the stage inside the building to the north.
As this is a weekly challenge, expect heavy resistance at Restored Reels and Slumberyards. I doubt the areas will become hot drops, but there will be more players than usual. Most will still attack even if you pull out an instrument instead of a gun.
If you want an easier time completing the Jam challenge, I recommend heading to Restored Reels and Slumberyard after you’ve looted up elsewhere. This gives players who’ve landed at those POIs a chance to leave. It also means you have gear and weapons to win a fight.
Most weekly challenges are straightforward, but some require map knowledge. The Bunker challenge, in particular, is difficult if you don’t know what to look for, but these areas provide a decent amount of loot if you get there first.