You never know what you’ll find as you’re out exploring the world of Wuthering Waves. During your time grabbing all the Viewpoints in the game, you’ll come across a lonely robot who needs to be fixed. So let’s scan our surroundings and show you our Wuthering Waves No Response Tonight quest guide: how to repair the robot.
Wuthering Waves — How to start No Response Tonight quest
In the northern part of the Dim Forest on top of a cliff, you’ll find a locked chest sitting next to a powered-down robot. We’ve provided a picture of the map to help you along your way. Try not to get distracted from all the Blobflys on your way there.
Walk up to the robot and interact with it, and you’ll be given a recording asking you to repair the robot by finding three parts.
Wuthering Waves No Response Tonight — How to repair the robot
After you’ve got the side quest in your log, you’ll have to find three different parts to help the robot: spare parts, a power supply pack, and a motor. Let’s start with the power supply pack and where to find it.
Where to find the Spare Parts
We’ll start with the Spare Parts since it’s the easiest to find. After scanning around the robot, follow the trail of gemberries across the land until you reach a rock formation.

Near the base of the rocks, there’s a place where you can dig something up. But before you do, you’ll have to defeat the monsters that are inhabiting the area around the digging spot. Once all of the enemies are done and dusted, go back to the digging spot and dig up the Robot Spare Parts. For the next repair part of the robot, you’ll need to head back to the robot.
Where to find the Robot Battery Pack

Immediately to the right of the robot, you’ll find a terminal to hack and help pinpoint the location of the power supply pack. If you’re having trouble with the puzzle, here’s the solution:

Once you complete the puzzle, you’ll be shown a location about 300 meters from the robot. Head here and take out the few human enemies around the area and a shiny object will appear. Grab the Robot Battery Pack and turn around to inspect a flyer on a table. In the flyer, it talks about a suspicious shooting party that you should investigate.
How to complete the shooting party
Once you view the flyer, you’ll get a location marked on your map. Head to the location, and maybe grab the Sonance Casket nearby on your way there. There’s a chair in the middle of the camp where you can sit down and wait for the shooting party to begin.

Once you talk to the main guy in charge, he’ll tell you about a participation fee you must pay in order to try and claim the shiny chest next to him. There are three challenges, and a Participation fee of 500 credits for the first challenge, 1000 for the second, and 2000 for the third. You’ll need a character that has guns, and thankfully, Wuthering Waves gives you a free gun character that you can use named Chixia.
The first two challenges are fairly straightforward and easy, it’s the third one where issues start to crop up. The targets move at an incredibly fast speed, one that feels more like a scam than an actual challenge. If you fail the third challenge, confront the boss of the challenge and prepare to take out some bad guys. Once all enemies around the shooting challenge are defeated, the chest will unlock, and you can grab the final part: the Robot Engine.

Finally, head back to the robot on the cliff and turn in all the repair parts. The robot will awaken, thank you for repairing it, and unlock the chest next to it for you to loot. The chest has some EXP, Astrite, and of course, some Shell Credits to help compensate for the credits you gave to the shooting challenge.
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