We have included each item, stage and character that’s secret and tricky to unlock in Vampire Survivors.
Vampire Survivors is technically an arcade game: It has simple inputs, and a simple objective, the difficulty ramps up fairly fast, and the main goal is to see how far you can make it. However, consistent playing reveals the game has much more to offer than meets the eye. I know I was surprised when I somehow ended up in glitch limbo looking for a way out of the madness. Turns out this means you’ve stumbled onto something interesting, a secret that was definitely hidden in an obscure way but that you can find with some curiosity, perseverance, or dumb luck.
You can unlock most of what the game has to offer simply by playing. Surviving for a long time, upgrading certain weapons, killing certain enemies, collecting special items, and the like, will open up other elements of the game. In terms of unlocking the secrets, the methods can be a bit roundabout, like how some Pokemon only evolve at certain times of day when you’re standing in a specific spot. Despite the headache you may get trying to figure them out, these secrets can net some interesting characters, items, and even game mechanics to expand your gameplay. In order to help, we have gathered all the secrets and requirements to unlock them into this article for your convenience.
Keep in mind that some of these secrets will only be available after you’ve “beaten” the game. This is indicated by reaching The Eudaimonia Machine and defeating The Directer.
List of secrets
Name | Type | Description |
Requirements |
Avatar Infernas | Character |
A fiery demon who starts with the Flames of Misspell weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Big Trouser | Character |
A character resembling the Merchant who starts with the Candybox weapon. Costs 5000 Gold. |
Boon Marrabbio | Character |
A shadowy figure who starts with the Thousand Edge weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Cosmo Pavone | Character |
A colorful bird that starts with the Peachone and Ebony Wings weapons. Costs 666 Gold. |
Exdash Exiviiq | Character |
A ghost-like character that starts with the Ebony Wings weapon. Costs 777 Gold. |
Gains Boros | Character |
A bone dragon character that starts with the Heavenly Sword weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Gyorunton | Character |
A flying hydra character that starts with the Bracelet weapon. Costs 5,000 Gold. |
Leda | Character |
A large spherical character that starts with the Holy Wand weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Mask of the Red Death | Character |
A grim reaper character that starts with the Death Spiral weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Minnah Mannarah | Character |
A werewolf character that starts with the Bloody Tear weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
missingN# | Character |
A glitchy distorted character that has a chance to start with either the Axe or Death Spiral weapon. Costs 66,666 Gold. |
Peppino | Character |
A festive-looking tree that starts with the Soul Eater weapon. Costs 666 Gold. |
Random | Character |
A chance to select one of several characters with various bonuses and weapons. Costs 5,000 Gold. |
Scorej-Oni | Character |
An ogre-like character that starts with the Lightning Ring weapon. Costs 5,000 Gold. |
Smith IV | Character |
A ghost-like character that starts with the Vandalier weapon. Costs 7,777 Gold. |
Toastie | Character |
A ghost-like character that starts with the Peachone weapon. Costs 777 Gold. |
Il Moloise | Stage | A bonus area full of plant life with a 15-minute time limit. |
Moongolow | Stage | A bonus area full of cool tiles with the Merchant and a 15-minute time limit. |
Holy Forbidden | Stage | A hidden area full of distortion that holds the Yellow Sign. |
Eudaimonia Machine | Stage | The last area of the game where the final boss awaits. |
Arcanas | Gameplay Mechanic |
An element that allows you to add modifiers prior to starting a stage. A majority of Arcanas can be unlocked by reaching level 50 with a specific character, while the rest require you to survive certain stages for 31 minutes alternatively, kill Death. |
Glass Vizard | Relic | An item that causes the Merchant to appear in all stages. |
Mindbender | Relic | A gag-like item that lets you change character appearances. |
Yellow Sign | Relic | A mysterious symbol that allows you to detect hidden items. |
Great Gospel | Relic | A bright tome that lets you level up items past their limits. |
Forbidden Scrolls of Morgane | Relic | A scroll that gives you access to the cheat menu where you can cast Spells |
Greatest Jubilee | Weapon | A weapon that launches fireworks around the field. |
Candybox | Weapon | A weapon that lets you choose any weapon you’ve already unlocked. |
Victory Sword | Weapon | A weapon that uses close-range combo attacks and counterattacks. |
Fuwalafuwaloo | Weapon Union | A combination of two weapons that have explosive effects. |
Phieraggi | Weapon Union | A combination of several pistols that fire a lot of projectiles. |
Vandalier | Weapon Union | A combination of two birds that bombards the area. |
Torrona’s Box | Item | A cursed object that raises Might, Projectile Speed, Duration, and AoE by 4 percent. |
Unlocking The Secrets Menu

Harking back to some of the earliest retro games, Vampire Survivors offers a bounty of Secret Codes, referred to as “Spells”. To unlock the Secrets Menu where the codes can be entered, you need to collect the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. It’s a Relic that can be collected by following these steps.
- Unlock Moongolow by unlocking Hyper Mode for 4 other stages (done by defeating special enemies that appear around 25 minutes)
- Survive in Moongolow for 14 minutes and then defeat the special angel enemy that appears
- Travel to the Hidden Ground and reach the end of the corridor to collect the Yellow Sign
- Go to The Bone Zone (by this point, it should already be unlocked)
- Travel South to the question mark to encounter a special enemy called the Sketamari
- Defeat the Sketamari to collect the Scrolls
Once this is done, you’ll be able to access the Secrets Menu from the Main Menu and enter codes to unlock almost all other game features.
Base Game Character And Equipment Secret Codes
After a few minutes of playing Vampire Survivors, you’ll quickly see that it has a huge roster of characters to play and unlock. Before you can play certain characters, you need to meet their requirements and then purchase them with gold. Alternatively, you can cast the following spells.
Code | Unlock(s) |
noneladonna | Arca Ladonna |
vivaladonna | Porta Ladonna |
superladonna | Lama Ladonna |
strongestcharacter | Poe Ratcho |
faschiuma | Suor Clerici |
bioparco | Dommario |
accidenti | Krochi Freetto |
crystalmakeup | Christine Davain |
flymetothemoon | Pugnala Provola |
thetwoassassins | Giovanna Grana |
feldschlacht | Poppea Pecorina |
ifeellovevenus | Concetta Caciotta |
yattapanda | Yatta Cavallo and Cherry Bomb |
carramba | Bianca Ramba and Carréllo |
reset | O’Sole Meeo and Celestial Dusting |
languorino | Sir Ambrojoe and La Robba |
waitreaction | Iguana Gallo Valletto |
quandolodicelui | Divano Thelma |
paradigmshift | Zi’Assunta Belpaese |
x-x1viiq” (also works in main menu) or “exdashexoneviiq | Exdash Exiviiq |
tramezzini | Toastie (Exdash Exiviiq must be unlocked) |
maybeimastallion | Smith IV |
igottagettotheedgeofsoul | Random |
fettinepanate | Boon Marrabbio |
kalvasflam | Avatar Infernas |
foldinthecheese | Minnah Mannarah |
iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme | Leda |
lhovistoio | Cosmo Pavone |
pinociampino | Peppino |
earrivatolarrotino | Big Trouser |
rightninetyseven | missingN? |
highfive | Gains Boros |
secondevolution | Gyorunton |
ablasphemousmockery | Mask of the Red Death |
allatonce | Queen Sigma |
rescuefromtheshadows | Rose De Infernas |
notsureitsthunder | Scorej-Oni |
everything | Weapons and Passive items (except those unlocked with the Yellow Sign) |
Base Game Stage Secret Codes
Vampire Survivors has a mix of stages, ranging from classic to challenges. There are also hidden stages and many have an associated Hyper Mode. You can unlock them by playing through the game, hitting milestones, and completing achievements. To save time, you can also just enter the following spells.
Code | Unlock(s) |
everywhere | Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, Gallo Tower, and Cappella Magna (Inlaid Library achievement must be completed) |
relaxenjoylife | Il Molise |
honesty | Moongolow |
dotgogreenacres | Green Acres |
rottingpizza | The Bone Zone |
peakgamedesign | Boss Rash |
recycletheforest | Bat Country |
recyclethelibrary | Astral Stair |
recyclethetower | Tiny Bridge |
Relics Secret Codes
Relics are unique items that are found in specific locations in designated stages. Their location is indicated in-game by large arrows pointing to their positions. If you don’t feel like collecting them, try out these spells.
Code | Unlock(s) |
thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault | Grim Grimoire |
thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault | Ars Gouda |
leadmetothecheese | Milky Way Map |
thankelrond | Magic Banger |
timecompression | Sorceress’ Tears |
eggseggseggs | Glass Vizard |
ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit | Yellow Sign |
teleportustomars | Mindbender |
icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet | Great Gospel |
freezearrow | Gracia’s Mirror |
dootdoot | Seventh Trumpet |
gottagofast | Chaos Malachite |
coldwaterhotwater | Chaos Rosalia |
tengillesbalm | Apoplexy |
haeralisploy | Trisection |
randomazzami | Randomazzo and Sarabande of Healing (VI) |
Arcanas Secret Codes
Arcanas are game modifiers with access being unlocked in-game by collecting the Randomazzo Relic. These spells will unlock different Arcanas which can be selected before and during runs.
Code | Unlock(s) |
ilmatto | Game Killer (0) |
ilbagatto | Gemini (I) |
lapapessa | Twilight Requiem (II) |
limperatrice | Tragic Princess (III) |
limperatore | Awake (IV) |
ilpapa | Chaos in the Dark Night (V) |
randomazzami | Sarabande of Healing (VI) |
ilcarro | Iron Blue Will (VII) |
laforza | Mad Groove (VIII) |
leremita | Divine Bloodline (IX) |
laruota | Beginning (X) |
lagiustizia | Waltz of Pearls (XI) |
lappeso | Out of Bounds (XII) |
lamorte | Wicked Season (XIII) |
latemperanza | Jail of Crystal (XIV) |
ildiavolo | Disco of Gold (XV) |
latorre | Slash (XVI) |
lastella | Lost & Found Painting (XVII) |
laluna | Boogaloo of Illusions (XVIII) |
ilsole | Heart of Fire (XIX) |
ilgiudizio | Silent Old Sanctuary (XX) |
ilmondo | Blood Astronomia (XXI) |
Random Secret Codes
Like many traditional video games, Vampire Survivors has a few spells that can cause various effects when entered. These are meant to change the game experience in unusual ways or just for amusement.
Code | Unlock(s) |
spinnn | Spin the UI |
popthecorn | Enter Green Acres with a lot of corn |
iwanttoseeitagain | Enter Holy Forbidden |
kamiki | Play as O’Sole with Celestial Dusting, Greatest Jubilee, Cherry Bomb, and Clover, attract 10 Little Clover |
onjupiter | Increases the gravity of the game, light sources and pickups accelerate downwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, and double the Magnet radius |
andmars | Decreases the gravity of the game, light sources and pickups accelerate upwards, -40% Projectile Speed, +25% Movement Speed, and double the Magnet radius |
spoopyseason | Halloween theming for Mortaccio, Yatta Cavallo, Bianca Ramba, O’Sole Meeo, and their weapons |