Klay Thompson: “That’s why the summer’s been so big for me, bro. The last two years were so tough for me, ’cause like, you try to measure yourself to what you were, and like, all the accomplishments and all that, and I let so much other crap get into my head, and I forgot why I really play this game. Yeah, ’cause I love it, you know? I’m trying to measure myself to everyone else’s standard. I didn’t realize how big a waste of energy that is, man. You’ve seen it in the comments. You’re gonna get people like, sometimes, they’re writing foul stuff, and don’t ever let that stop you from what you do, bro. Yeah, I feel like that impeded what I was great at last year.” “At the end of the day, I look back like, bro, I still play a phenomenal brand of ball. Like, you 18 a game, 39% from three. I’m not gonna let someone tell me that’s not great. You would’ve told me that as an 18-year-old, I’d be like, ‘Hell yeah!’”
Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube
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