Kyoto Animation Teases Something New on September 21, 2024

Kyoto Animation released a mysterious preview onto its social media accounts, teasing something on September 21, 2024. Information on it will appear at 9:00 PM JST, which would be 5:00 AM PST/8:00 AM EST. [Thanks, Dengeki Online!]

There’s no other information on the post. However, a lot of the replies are guessing that it’s probably something related to Haruhi. This is due to the recent release of the Theater of Haruhi Suzumiya light novel, which came out to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the series. Commenters all seem to share this theory, as there aren’t any other real guesses as to what Kyoto Animation wants to announce. In any case, we will know on September 21, 2024.

Kyoto Animation was founded in 1985 and has garnered a very positive reputation in the industry and community. Its shows boast high production values and it treats its employees well, such as offering a salary rather than hiring them on as freelancers. Popular or influential titles from Kyoto Animation include Air, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star, K-On!, Free!, and Violet Evergarden, and more.

Kyoto Animation will announce something new on September 21, 2024. You can follow its official social media channels to catch the news when it comes out.

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