- Event will be held between October 4th and 11th
- More Pokemon to be featured after using the Daily Adventure Incense
- Special Masterwork research, Collection Challenges, and more
This season is going to be quite a big one (literally) in Pokémon Go thanks to the introduction of Dynamax Pokémon. Expect to see several new additions and updates as even more powerful creatures join the AR game. With that, the usual events will continue to flow, and we’ve just heard about our next one, the Galarian Expedition Event.
Get ready to visit the Galar region once again as the Galarian Expedition event in Pokémon Go will be held between October 4th and 11th. Lots of Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild, including Nidoran, Abra, Magnemite, Aron, Beldum, Wooloo, and many more. And you will also be able to encounter Shiny Zamazenta in five-star raids for the first time.
One of the highlights of this event is an update of the Daily Adventure Incense feature. Using this during the event will significantly boost your chances of finding Shiny Galarian Articuno, Shiny Galarian Zapdos, and Shiny Galarian Moltres. In addition, the Pokémon that can be found using Daily Adventure Incense will permanently increase after the event, making it even more useful.
If you’re looking for something grander, then be sure to take part in the exclusive Master Ball Masterwork Research that will cost you $7.99 or your regional equivalent. Clearing all the tasks successfully will grant you one Master Ball, 18,000 XP, 10,000 Stardust, and encounters with several themed Pokémon.
Check out this list of the redeemable Pokémon Go codes for September 2024!
Finally, some other challenges you can participate in include catch and evolution-focused Collection Challenges and Field Research Tasks. Expect to earn XP, Ultra Balls, Stardust, and encounters by completing them. And if you still want to stock up on resources, then head on over to the Pokémon Go Web Store.
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