Pokemon Go kicks off the final part of the Wonder Ticket event

  • Poison-type Pokemon to be featured in Wonder Ticket Part 3
  • Poipole will be available to catch
  • Several Timed Research tasks to be hosted

When Niantic launched the new World of Wonders season in Pokémon Go in March, they also kicked off a brand new series of events called Wonder Ticket. This is a tripartite event taking place monthly. Now, as we enter the final leg of the season, Wonder Ticket Part Three is about to go live, with a whole host of new Pokémon to catch and rewards to gather.

In Wonder Ticket Part Three of Pokémon Go, you’ll find yourself chasing a bunch of poison-type Pokémon. These won’t just be the ones you find around you – some special ones from Ultra Space are also descending for the event. An extra Poipole has found itself in the Pokémon Go world, making this the perfect opportunity to get yourself another one.

Just like the predecessors, you’ll be tasked with completing a number of Timed Research quests, each granting bucketloads of rewards. Expect to earn valuable items like Star Pieces, Lucky Eggs, Poffins, Premium Battle Passes, and Incense. If you don’t want to work hard for these goodies, then get your hands on some freebies by redeeming these Pokémon Go codes!

If you’re interested in participating, then you can purchase a Wonder Ticket for $9.99 or local equivalent. Only one ticket is required to access all three phases and you don’t need to repurchase a ticket for each one. The previous missions haven’t expired either, so if you’re just buying a ticket, you get access to parts one, two, as well as three of the Wonder Ticket event.

The Pokémon Web Store is the best place to buy the ticket because purchasing from there will offer you two Premium Battle Passes for free. Tickets are available until June 1st, while the event itself will remain available until June 14th.

Download Pokémon Go now for free by clicking on your preferred link below.

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