Post-Proving Grounds, Pax Dei is already planning another crafting and gathering rebalance

So, how did Pax Dei’s Proving Grounds update go last week? Well, you can probably guess by the fact that Mainframe Industries has put out a series of memos that “acknowledge the frustration some of you have felt with the recent changes, especially around crafting, gathering, and building” and “significantly impacted your gameplay.”

Mainframe explains that the first chunk of Proving Grounds was meant to make experience bonuses from crafting that would properly reflect the difficulty of recipes, but now it says its changes “might have been too dramatic,” based on all the apparently negative tester feedback, so another rebalance is in order – a big one.

The team now says it’s looking at crafting complexity, resource scarcity, skill dependencies, “unintuitive crafting dependencies,” experience balance and progression, gathering limitations, resource drops, and other bottlenecks for crafters.

Apparently, some of the adjustments are due in the next patch “soon” – no other timeframe but that one – including uncoupling furniture placement from skill level (damn) and what appears to be a better rate of spawns and drops for a whole range of crafting mats.

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