If you’re in the mood for some more free games to see you through the Week that Never Was (between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, natch), Epic and GOG have you covered.
Over on the Epic Games Store, today’s free game has been revealed, and it’s charming puzzler Snakebird Complete, which should give your little grey cells a workout.
It replaces Cat Quest in the free Epic game stakes, so if you missed out on that one, you’ll have to wait until the next time it’s offered (if, indeed, that ever happens).
Snakebird is one of those puzzlers that looks deceptively simple at first glance, but it can get pretty fiendish later on, so it’s perfect if you need to get your thinking muscles working again.
Meanwhile, over on GOG.com, the evocative narrative adventure game South of the Circle is on giveaway for the next 70 hours or so.
Our very own Tyler awarded South of the Circle a respectable 7.5 out of 10 in his review, praising its “strong” characters and writing and its “beautiful, expressive art direction”.
Given that it’s currently available for the low, low price of free, I’d say it’s well worth a look.

This will be GOG’s final giveaway of the year, and it’s running until January 1st, so make sure you snap it up if you’re at all interested.
Epic’s giveaway, meanwhile, lasts until tomorrow, when a new game will take its place.
Previous Epic giveaways over the last few days have included The Outer Worlds, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and Fallout 3, as well as Arc System Works’ fluid-looking 2D fighter DNF Duel.
That’s a pretty diverse lineup of free games, so it’s anyone’s guess what tomorrow’s game might be. One thing’s for sure, though: if it’s free, it’ll almost certainly be worth checking out!