Despite the name, it would appear that Star Trek Online’s latest update, Unparalleled, does indeed feature a parallel. In a parallel universe known as “PlayStation and Xbox user bases,” the update didn’t release back in May but is in fact releasing today. Considering that the whole plot of the update is about a parallel universe version of Captain Sela leading the Enterprise-F, we’d say that is a lot of parallel universes to consider. But it’s Star Trek, that’s normal.
Whether or not you are invested in the plot of the new episode released with this update, players can still enjoy a new TFO, a new Event for the release of the season, and a new Captain Alteration Token allowing you to swap species and/or genders within your chosen faction. Check out the trailer just below only if you belong to the aforementioned parallel universe, otherwise you’ll be asking “didn’t I already see this?” and the answer will be yes. This is for the parallel universe, come on, keep up.
Source: Press release
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