Tarisland counts 3M pre-registrations, opens lore site prior to global launch

We’re just a couple weeks away from a major global MMO launch in the form of Tarisland, and it’s all hands on deck in China’s Tencent for the event. The studio announced that it crossed three million pre-registrations as of May 29th, which means that all of those accounts now get a cute little dog if they sign up beforehand.

A day later on May 30th, Tencent ended its technical beta test, which apparently didn’t go as well as the company would’ve liked. As a result of these issues, Tencent is giving a pet cat to all players at launch on June 21st.

Finally, Tencent also opened up a new World View site to catch you up on the lore of this game: “Discover the mysteries, ancient stories, and mystical forces of Taris. Join us in exploring this magical land and unveiling its rich history.”


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