The Bear is a bizarre, but comforting new interactive bedtime story for iOS

  • The Bear is a new ‘interactive bedtime story’ perfect for parents and kids
  • You can try the first chapter now, totally for free
  • So what’s this abstract but comfortable puzzle game all about?

The bedtime story is, even nowadays, a pretty central part of the human experience. It’s great for getting kids to sleep, helping interest them in reading and just spending time together during increasingly busy days for all of us. And occasionally, someone decides to take a pop at making a game of it, which is what the bizarre but comfortable new game The Bear – A Story from the World of Gra is for.

The Bear sees you guide the titular bear and the ‘little one’ through the fairytale world of Gra. Solving simple puzzles, travelling the world, stargazing and more, The Bear offers a simple but fascinating exploration of an unfolding story chapter by chapter. So, when you and your kid play through this together, you can easily split up each of the game’s five chapters night by night.

Available now on iOS, The Bear won “Best Story” and “Best Graphic Design” at the German Video Game Awards 2024. And you can try out the first chapter absolutely free before deciding if it’s right for you.

Suitable for all

Interactive bedtime stories aren’t exactly anything new. Whether that’s irritating buttons in a large pop-up book to play sounds, or CDs and other audio recordings, trying to make the bedtime routine more interactive is nothing unusual. However, we found the concept behind The Bear quite intriguing, and the abstract but familiar visuals are sure to be a treat for both kids and parents. The ability to split the game between nights is also a great idea and a pretty ingenious way to ensure you’re getting a lot out of this one game.

So, if you’re a parent The Bear might very well be worth a try. But what if a game that’s all about bedtime isn’t quite as intriguing or exciting as you’d want? Well, why not check out our regular feature with the ongoing top 5 new mobile games to try this week instead?

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