The Daily Grind: Do you track your MMO gaming habits from year to year?

Steam’s customized “year in review” report captured everyone’s attention for a hot minute back in December. All over social media and in my favorite Discords, people were posting Steam’s recap of everything they played. I didn’t, though, because mine was plain stupid. Most of the MMORPGs I play aren’t even on Steam, and the ones that are I tend to play in their own launchers (or they’re rogue servers anyhow). So naturally, when Steam says I spent 63% of my playtime in Project Gorgon last year, that’s because it has no idea about MMOs like LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, SWG Legends, or City of Heroes, never mind anything on console.

But I do track my gaming in other ways; using a simple habit tracker, I can see how many days I logged into games last year. My high month was January (every single day!), and my low month was February (every other day), with most months hitting the 80% mark. I’m pretty happy with that; I try to balance my MMO obsession with work and family and other hobbies. It amounted to more gaming than in 2022, but less than in 2020 and 2021 (obvious reasons there, though).

But one thing I didn’t do was mark out which games I played on which days, so I’d have to estimate. Wilhelm at TAGN posted a fun blog a few weeks back complete with a percentage list and a pie chart, which made me wish I’d done just that. Or maybe it’s all too much work for entertainment. What about you – do you track your MMO gaming habits from year to year?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!


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