The opportunity cost for adding someone to your friend list in an MMORPG is pretty low. Like, it doesn’t take a great deal of work to just click the button to add people and see when they are online. But if you have played a game for a while it is quite possible – even probable – that you have added various people for reasons that made sense at the time but are now spurious at best, meaning you quite possibly have a friend list full of people whose names you remember only because they are currently on your friend list.
Of course, some games make friendship more involved or just give you a bigger reason to constantly be asking your friends if they have anything going on in terms of parties. But there are many games wherein I log in to find a list full of names I knew at one point but which mean nothing to me now. So which MMORPGs do you have the worst friend list cruft? Where are the games where you have a ton of names you don’t know any longer?

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