The other day MOP’s Bree was looking at the official batch of screenshots from an MMORPG and asking why they are so uniformly terrible, noting that they all make the game look like the saddest thing ever. “The actual game doesn’t look that bad,” she went on to say. And you can disagree about whether the actual game looks that bad… or you could theoretically, if I were saying what game she was talking about, but I’m not. But it did get me thinking about official screenshots that are just bad.
Now, taking good screenshots is an art; there’s a reason we’ve got One Shots, after all. But sometimes the people who are responsible for taking the screenshots are just not very good at it. Sometimes it’s bad framing, lighting, timing, and the like. Sometimes they’re too small or unclear. Sometimes it just feels like nobody cares. And occasionally the game just looks bad under any and all conditions. So which MMORPG has the worst official screenshot game?