The Grand Mafia codes (September 2024)


In The Grand Mafia, you live the ultimate mafioso life – you take care of the family business while hiring gangsters to do your bidding (when it comes to the shady stuff, of course). It’s a great strategy game for those interested in building an empire, a contemporary empire built on trust and money.

With the following codes for The Grand Mafia, you can claim Gold, speed-ups and many other items that will help you build that underground empire. Below I’ve shared all the codes that have been released, as well as how you can redeem them, in case you don’t already know.

And if you get tired of doing the mafioso things, relax and use some of the Cats and Soup codes, Cat Fantasy codes, or gift codes for Fishing Master.

Active The Grand Mafia codes

  • 0zapftis24 – 100 Gold, 2 Beer Barrel Transformer, 3-Hr Investment Speed-up
  • tgm888 – 300 Gold, 10 Family Building Material Redemption Coupons, 1-Hr Speed-up, 1-Hr Training Speed-up, 100 VIP Points
  • welcome – 100 Gold, 100 VIP Points, 30-Min Speed-up
  • TGMPC888 – 300 Gold, 10 Family Building Material Redemption Coupons, 1-Hr Speed-up, 1-Hr Training Speed-up, 100 VIP Points [only valid on PC client]

Expired codes

0ctobe1R7 | 1D0ub1eTGM0 | 1Dou10ble0 | 23Christ2mas5 | 23GOLDEN11 | 23Halloween | 23October16 | 23TGM08 | 2Happy0New2Year2 | 2Labor96Day1 | 2LanternFest5 | 2Pas0kha23 | 3IMA24 | 3spring20equinox | 48D3NWR6 | 4fruehling4 | 5enty4br | 6DBFestival3 | 6ragonBoat22 | 7eastermafia7 | 7oyeux14 | 8double8 | 8frau3ntag | 9KEIRo3MON | ABR23 | Abr4TGM | ADVUST24 | ALBRISTICE | ARM1ST1C6 | AshuAR2208 | AVGUST24 | AprilTGM | Apri1scherz24 | CanakkaleZaferi | Chand2l2ur | Christ2mas5 | Christmas25 | cnmannemtgm | d1atrabaj0888 | DecTGM12 | Deutsch1and | Dragonboat24 | Ea4ster9 | EarthD24 | Easter24 | Eisessen | EnjoyTGM8 | FamilyMonth | Festa6Na23 | FestaJunina24 | Friendsday | Futb0l22 | Golden11 | GrillenimSommer | Happy23Fuyu | Happy88sDay | HappyMafia | HAPPYTCGNMY | hegem0ny | Herbstanfang | IHaveADream | INDEPENDMEX22 | Intwomensday | JEFETOP | Jewel1pack | Juil1et4 | Katzen4immer | KEIROUnohi23 | KissDayTGM | LaborDay23 | LaborDay24 | LanternFest24 | Let1tsnow | LIBERTE1789 | Lunar2024 | LunarNewYear | mafiamania777 | mafia1eto | mafia777 | mafiagoda | MAFIAVAL23 | Mag7pie | MarineDay23 | MarchTGM | Mayday2024 | MejorAmigo23 | memorial66 | Moonfest24 | MothersDay24 | Mu1tert4g | NHugDay24 | N3wY1ar | N1eiger2 | Nati0nal2o22Day | noviygod | Obon2023 | Obon2024 | Ozapftis23 | PARIS2024 | Perle7 | PlayTGMPC | Po1sson4 | Printemp3 | Qatar2o22FIFA | QmTaQing | Re2publica2 | R3PVBBL1C4 | Ramazan23 | RUZHDESTVO | Sakura2024 | s0mm24r | SEAdayJP | September24 | ShowaDay | SNOW2023 | SnowstormNO1 | SprTGMing | StrandundBier | Superpapa | TGM12 | TGM15do11 | TGM24Zafer | TGMAug24 | TGMJULY | TGMJUNE | TGM0714 | TGMOct | TGMPC888 | ThGo2022 | thxgiving | ThxGiving23 | tHappyg88sDaym | theFoJ2022 | theFoJ2024 | theGovernorswar | theLDiS2022 | Tgmru1 | Tgm51May | TGMJULY | TGMSoup | TGMOct | timetraveller | T0matina2022 | VaL3ntine | Valen1tin4stag | Va1enTin24 | Veranit008 | Veras | Winter2023NOW | W1nter23TGM | Yoitoshi2024 | Zashchitnik23 | ZHARARUS | Zimablizko | Welcome!

How to redeem codes in The Grand Mafia 

To redeem the codes, just follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Tap on your profile picture in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Step 2: Open the Settings menu.
  • Step 3: Select the Redeem Code option (with a giftbox as its icon).
  • Step 4: Type in one of the active Grand Mafia codes, and hit Exchange.

How to get more codes?

New Grand Mafia codes are sometimes released on the official Facebook page, but if you want to be up to date with all of them, just follow this page because we’re updating it regularly with all the codes and rewards. 


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