Top 10 Best iOS Games where you are the bad guy


Dead by Daylight Mobile

In Dead by Daylight Mobile, you can choose to play as the killer or play as a survivor, but this list is all about bad guys, so you’ll likely be looking to become a killer. In playing the Killer, your goal is to find other players and sacrifice them. It’s you against three other people, looking to find them while they are hiding and make choices that allow you to kill them. There are a bunch of different iconic evil characters for your to choose from, making this an ideal game for those who are fans of various horror franchise.


Plague Inc.


If you’d like to take a more god-like approach to being evil, Plague Inc. allows you to end all of humanity by creating viruses that will slowly infect the world and kill all of the humans that live there. You will need to watch your virus spread and keep scientists from finding a cure, as they are your true enemy, trying to end your evil-doings.


Party Hard GO


Party Hard Go is a stealth game where you are killing everyone who is attending a party because they are all loud and you want to sleep. It’s chaotic, you need to kill each person without others seeing it, slowly setting traps and finding people when they are alone. Cops will be called to these parties, and you should do your best to avoid them!


Bully: Anniversary Edition


Become the classic bad guy – one that you probably remember from your childhood – a bully. In Bully you are able to become Jimmy Hopkins, a 15-year-old boy who is currently attending a prep school full of people to terrorise. You can beat up jocks, play pranks, insult people and get picked on by teachers – reliving your high school experience as the bullies you probably remember.


The Escapists 2


You’ve already done your crimes and are now doing your time. In prison, you can continue to do crimes, dig out of prison, pretend to be guards, slack off when it comes to your prison jobs and more. If you are interested in becoming the bad guy, you might want to stay the bad guy after you’ve been caught – I mean, what else do you have to lose?


Werewolf Tycoon


If you’d like to be a fictional bad guy, you can become a werewolf in Werewolf Tycoon – eating everyone who comes to the town park. You are hiding in the bushes, looking to feed your hunger by feasting on the people who walk by. You can eat reporters, general members of the public and even people who are a part of the army!


Destroy all Humans: Super city

Another game about being evil and building dungeons, Dungeon Keeper sees you playing as the devil himself, creating a dungeon full of traps and minions that will do your dirty deeds for you. You don’t want any heroes to pass, so you will need to make sure your dungeon is evil enough to keep them out!


Villains Corp. | The Secret Villainy Laboratory


Villains Corp. The Secret Villainy Laboratory is a puzzle game where you find yourself making minions that you can then use to spread your evil deeds. You will be taking different containers that have different types of minions, then combining them to discover new types. These can then be used to destroy areas of the city, to prove you are the most evil after all.


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Want to join a gang and do crimes around your city? In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas you can explore a town ruled by gangs, drug cartels, and more whilst looking to cause chaos in this town. You can beat up strangers, befriend gang members, and do whatever else you want to do in this real-life inspired city.


Haunt the House: Terrortown


Being the bad guy doesn’t always mean that you need to look evil. In Haunt the House: Terrortown, you are a little ghost who wants to run everyone out of their town. You will do this by possessing items and driving people to madness – forcing them to leave their homes so that you will be the only creature currently there!

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