Today Vanillaware and Atlus have revealed several new screenshots and plenty of art of the upcoming tactics JRPG Unicorn Overlord, showing new characters, classes, and more.
We start with new members of the cast, including three potential allies. The elven twins Rosalinde and Etolinde hail from Elheim. Etolinde was the Turenós and surrendered to Zenoira to lead from captivity. Her sister Rosalinde was her aide and augur. She escaped and is gathering forces for a counterattack.
Ithilion was a knight in service of Elheim and was away on a mission when the capital fell. Ever since he’s been leading a guerrilla resistance force.
We also meet two enemies, the witch Alcina and the wizard Baltro. Both are in service of our main antagonist, Galerius.
We then learn about classes of which there are 60 in the game. Below you can read about a few:
Boasts excellent Physickal Attack. Can lower enemy Physickal Defense. Can strike foes with a follow-up attack at the end of a battle.Gladiator
Boasts physickal attack skills to hit an entire enemy row. Capable of self healing.Arbalist
Proficient both at attacking with a flurry of crossbow bolts and providing support from the back row.Cleric
Specialized in supporting allies with healing magick through a variety of recovery skills.Wyvern Knight
An aerial unit capable of inflicting heavy damage on enemy infantry and cavalry. Vulnerable against
ranged and caster attacks.Shaman
Specialized in skills which weaken their foes by obstructing their actions and reducing their abilities.Elven Fencer
Uses magick melee attacks to strike at their enemies with superlative finesse. Capable of creating
barriers to protect allies from attacks.Werewolf
Excels at finishing off weakened enemies. Also possesses a special skill that improves their
performance at night.Featherbow
An archer capable of debuffing foes and supporting allies. Possesses a high evasion rate, but
susceptible to arrow fire.Gryphon Knight
Flying unit with excellent evasion and magick defense. Ineffective v. foes with anti-flying skills such as
Flying unit with excellent evasion and Magick Defense. Ineffective v. foes with anti-flying skills such as
Boasts excellent accuracy. Effective v. flying foes such as Gryphon Knights thanks to its special attack
allowing it to hit foes with high evasion
Each class has unique strengths and weaknesses, and different classes have different compatibilities. For instance, archers are strong against flying units, inflicting double damage on them. On the other hand, flying units have excellent evasion and halve the accuracy of incoming attacks from ground units.
Each unit has a character set at its leader, and the leader determines the unit’s movement type, on top of having a Leader Effect. There are many such effects and they’re important when assembling units.
There are three movement types, Infantry, Cavalry, and Flying. Infantry and Cavalry move faster on roads, while Cavalry moves slower in forests.
You can promote units to advanced classes by spending Honors, with the effect of boosting stats and opening up new skills. For instance, Alain can be promoted from his unique Lord class to High Lord. Here’s how they are described.
Alain specific Class. Formidable combatant and staunch defender. Special skill lets him heal while attacking. Can fight equally well in either row. Lacks any major weakness, but may have trouble against cavalry.
High Lord
Advanced version of Alain’s Lord class. Brings powerful attacks to bear from atop his regal steed. Can boost his allies’ initiative to bring battles to a swift end. As a cavalry class, he is effective against infantry. Advancing to High Lord allows you to cover open ground more quickly
In order to earn more EXP, you can challenge Auxiliary Stages and the phantom soldiers they contain as many times as you want. You can earn special items called Treatises that grant EXP or other items that improve specific stats.
Below you can enjoy all the screenshots and art released today.
Unicorn Overlord was announced during the Nintendo Direct in September but it’s not a Nintendo exclusive. It’s coming for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch on March 8, 2024. You can already pre-order a copy on Amazon if you’d rather have the game in physical form.
If you want to see more, you can enjoy another gallery of screenshots and details, another showing more characters and providing more information, on top of a third with even more companions revealed. You can also watch the latest trailer.
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