Warhammer: The Old World Reveals Orc and Goblin Tribes Miniatures, Battalion Box, and Arcane Journal

As Games Workshop continues its quest to partly correct the unforgivable sin of the End Times, a new faction for Warhammer: The Old  World has been revealed, the Orc and Goblin Tribes.

We get a look at the range of miniatures and products we can expect for those who would like to play the unruly greenshkins in the classic setting, keeping in mind that a lot of the old miniatures will still be viable for the veterans. 

Firstly, we’re getting a Battalion box that can form the base of a rather sizable army. It includes 73 plastic miniatures. There are 2 Orc Boar Chariots, 31 Orc Boyz, and  40 Goblins. The units of Orcs and Goblins have a command group with champions, musicians, and standard bearers. 

For those who want some reading materials and additional rules, we’re also presented the Arcane Journal, which comes with lore, maps, two new special characters, and two Armies of Infamy – the Nomadic Waaagh! and the Troll Horde.

Completely new miniatures include a Black Orc warboss and an Orc Shaman Ogdruz Swampdigga (one of the two special characters in the Arcane Journal).

Besides the new miniatures there are returning ones from the plastic kit range, including the Orc Bosses, the Orc Boyz Mob, the Orc Boyz and Arrer Boyz Mob, the Orc Boar Boyz Mob, the Orc Boar Chariots, and the Black Orc Boyz Mob. The Goblin Mob, Night Goblin Mob, and Goblin Wolf Rider Mob will be released a bit later.

Some kits are returning in Forge World resin, including the Orc and Goblin Command Sets, the Troll Hag, and the Bonegrinder Giant. The Orc Warboss on Wyvern and the Orc and Goblin Giant will also return, but converted from metal to resin.

For those who love metal miniatures (and those like me who still remembers when they were made of lead), here’s a list of what’s coming back.

  • Goblin Bosses
  • Goblin Wolf Rider Bosses
  • Goblin Bolt Throwa
  • Goblin Doom Diver Catapult
  • Goblin Wolf Chariot
  • Orc Shaman
  • Orc Shamans
  • Orc Big ‘Uns
  • Orc Big ‘Uns Command
  • Snotling Swarms
  • Snotling Pump Wagon
  • Common Trolls
  • Classic Ogresù

Lastly, more metal miniatures will be available as Made to Order, including orcs and trolls, the Marauder Giant, the 1993 Orc Shaman on War Wyvern, two sets of classic Stone Trolls, the classic River Trolls, and the Black Orc Big Boss with Axe and Shield.

If you’d like to learn more about Warhammer: The Old World, which was just released today and brings back the only fantasy Warhammer setting that counts (the one without weird fantasy space marines, to be clear), you can read our review.

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