Readers likely recall that WoW Classic’s PTR testing for the Firelands raid began at the beginning of September, and that testing has once more returned for this week with a host of updates to the encounter for players to try out.
These updates include some general changes to things like enemy pathing and the rate at which players could complete the legendary staff quest, along with more boss-specific adjustments such as targeting tweaks for one of Beth’tilac’s attacks, multiple effect changes for the Alysrazor fight, updates to Baleroc’s torment effect radius, and an update to the magma trap’s effects for heroic-level Ragnaros.
The PTR will remain open until Friday, October 18th, so Classic players who have thoughts on where things are going for this encounter are encouraged to hop in and kick some magma rocks around.
Good news! We were able to get the work done faster than expected, and the Firelands raid is now OPEN for testing on Cataclysm Classic’s PTR. We’re looking forward to jumping in with you!
Find our latest notes here: https://t.co/NpzY7X0Vvx
— WoW Classic Devs (@wowclassicdevs) October 15, 2024
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